Thursday March 17, 2016 4:51 PM



March 17, 2016

For information, contact Leslie Neeley at 270-687-8557 or [email protected].




Starting Monday, March 21st, a contractor with CSX Railroad will begin work on rail crossings throughout the City of Owensboro. This work will take place in two phases with multiple streets closing at one time. CSX Railroad will post signs in advance of work on major streets and intersections. The Phase I schedule is as follows:


  • Jackson Street and Hall Street will be closed from Monday, March 21st until Thursday, March 31st.

  • Sweeney Street will be closed from Tuesday, March 22nd until Thursday, March 24th.

  • Daviess Street and Allen Street will be closed from Wednesday, March 23rd until Friday, March 25th.

  • Frederica Street will be closed from Monday, March 28th until Thursday, March 31st.

  • George Street will be closed from Tuesday, March 29th until Thursday, March 31st.

  • 7th Street will be closed from Wednesday, March 30th until Thursday, March 31st.



    For information about the City of Owensboro, visit us on the web at

