Friday October 23, 2015 4:31 PM



TO:                                                      All Media


CONTACT PERSON:                        Amanda Rogers, Director Parks and Recreation

                                                            Email: [email protected]


SUBJECT:                                           Little Free Library at Smothers Park


DATE:                                                 October 23, 2015



IMG_2215Tyler Belcher has completed his Eagle Scout project, a Little Free Library located on the east side of Smothers Park near the Allen Street pavilion. Tyler wanted to share his appreciation for reading and promote literacy in our community.


The Little Free Library houses books for kids, teens and adults. The slogan for Little Free Libraries is Take a book. Leave a book.”  It stays full through donations.  You can choose to keep the book or return it; however, we ask people to leave books as well. That is very important.


The Little Free Library’s mission is "To promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide and to build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations."  There are over 32,000 Little Free Library book exchanges around the world. Learn more at


This is the first Little Free Library in the Owensboro Parks & Recreation system and another example of an engaged citizen working to provide enhanced opportunities for his fellow citizens through partnership with the City of Owensboro. Tyler is proud of his project and hopes the community gets out of this just as much as has put into it!  For more information, contact Tyler at 270-315-2400.


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