Tuesday April 5, 2022 2:33 PM

April 5, 2022


20th Annual Monday Night Business League


Hillcrest Golf Course is proud to offer its 20th year of the Monday Night Business League at Hillcrest Golf Course!  The 4-Person Scramble pits your team versus other Business League teams in a weekly head-to-head competition.  We have weekly closest to the pin prizes and the yearlong traveling trophy to overall champion!

League play will start June 6 through August 1, and is open to amateurs only, men and women over the age of 13.  Women will play from the red tees, seniors (70 & up) will play from the gold tees.  Everyone else will play from the white tees.

The cost for the Monday Business League will be $100 per team, plus weekly cost for each team will be $13 per person, which includes green fee and cart.  The league fee covers awards, weekly prizes, pizza, and the traveling trophy. 

The deadline for entry will be May 31. The $100 fee and the team information sheet are due at sign up. Space is limited to 14 teams maximum.  You can mail the entry to:

Hillcrest Golf Course, 4346 Old Hartford Road, Owensboro, KY  42303

For more information contact Charles Whelan 270-687-7134 or Owensboroparks.org



For questions and the usual comments, contact Golf Course Manager Charles Whelan at [email protected] or call the Ben Hawes office at 270-687-7134.