American Cancer Society Hope Lives Here
American Cancer Society Hope Lives Here
Friday September 18, 2015
Location: Smothers Park Fountains
Contact: Anna Way
We would like to turn the overhang purple and have our event open to the public.
It is the American Cancer Society Hope Lives Here event that we are having all
over the state of Kentucky. We have several locations in Kentucky that we are
turning purple. Louisville, Northern Kentucky Newport Auqarium, Lexington
Triangle Park, East Kentucky Natural Bridge, Southeast Kentucky Blazin Bluegrass
Festival, South Central Kentcky, West Kentucky Kentucky Lake and Owensboro area
Smother's Park. We are wanting to get awareness out about the American Cancer
Society, honor survivors and have a balloon release. We would be including
Daviess, Hancock, Breckenridge, Grayson, Ohio, McLean, Henderson, Webster,
Hopkins, Union, Muhlenberg Counties.